Impact Partners platform raises capital for SEED Schools

Impact Investment Exchange Asia (IIX) announced today that its Impact Partners platform has successfully facilitated an investment into SEED Edu. Corp. (India) Pvt. Ltd (“SEED Schools”), a social enterprise based in Hyderabad, India.

SEED Schools

SEED Schools was established to invest in and operate low cost private schools (LCPS) in India with a strong focus to improve the standard of education.

The Indian LCPS sector is highly fragmented and unorganized with 60 per cent of operators having less than 500 students. There are approximately 6,000 schools in Hyderabad alone, of which approximately 3,000 are LCPS. Unfortunately, many LCPS operators suffer from capital constraints and lack of scale and have been unable to improve their educational quality.

SEED Schools provides a full range of services to improve the learning outcomes and operational efficiencies in LCPSs. It does this by recruiting professionals to manage schools and improving the quality of teachers with better pay and by providing training and tools to effectively deliver content in the classrooms to improve learning outcomes. It has also implemented effective curriculum and pedagogy and monitors progress to ensure each student receives the most effective education and can improve his or her station in life.

The funding which IIX has facilitated brings the total amount of funding that SEED Schools has raised to US$650,000. SEED Schools currently operates two schools providing a quality education to 1,500 students. This investment will enable it to expand to one more school and impact a total of 2,000 students.

IIX’s role:

IIX began working with SEED Schools in early 2014. IIX showcased SEED Schools to its Impact Partners investor network at a live pitch event in March as well as through two webinars in April. The investment has been secured through its Impact Partners platform from three individuals.

“IIX played a key role in promoting SEED Schools to investors interested in the education sector. We are thrilled to have three more individuals passionate about improving the quality of education join our current investors and SEED Team in this journey.” – Harish Mamtani, Co-Founder, SEED Schools

“We are delighted to have been able to help SEED Schools raise this latest round of investment capital. Improving education in India is an important objective and provides a large scale opportunity to improve the futures of a generation of young people. We look forward to continuing to support the SEED team as they scale their impact.” – Robert Kraybill, Managing Director, IIX

About IIX

Impact Investment Exchange Asia (IIX) is a Singapore-based organization with a mission to provide Social Enterprises (SEs) in Asia greater access to investment capital, allowing them to more rapidly expand the impact of their activities.

IIX offers three investment platforms – Impact Incubator™, Impact Partners™ and Impact Exchange™. Impact Incubator focuses on raising seed capital for start-up SEs, while Impact Partners is a private placement platform dedicated to growth-stage SEs seeking expansion capital. IIX also recently announced the launch of Impact Exchange, operated by the Stock Exchange of Mauritius in collaboration with IIX. Impact Exchange is the world’s first social stock exchange, a regulated stock exchange dedicated to listing and trading securities issued by mature SEs and other socially-driven organizations. IIX’s sister not-for-profit company, Shujog, assists in capital raising through its proprietary impact assessment, research, advocacy and advisory work.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Li Kah Yan
Contact Number: +65 6221 7051

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