Have we turned the corner in tiger conservation?

Ms Jayanti Natrajan, Honourable Minister of Environment & Forests (Government of India) and the Chairman of Global Tiger Forum (GTF) , Tiger Range Country Senior officials and the GTF members met at the 11th meeting of the Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to assess the progress and challenges on tiger conservation at Hyderabad on 17th October, 2012.

At the Conference of Parties to the CBD, National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA), WWF-India, Wildlife Institute of India (WII) and Global Tiger Forum (GTF) played host to an event that focused primarily on tiger conservation. The event “Have we turned the corner in tiger conservation?” which took into account the progress made by the tiger range countries offered a special focus on India. The participating tiger range countries shared their success stories in tiger conservation over the last decade here.

The event addressed three key areas – government response, launch of anti-poaching campaign and the way forward in tiger conservation. After the introductory remarks by Ms Jayanti Natrajan, Honourable Minister of Environment & Forests and the Chairman, GTF, the Director of Department of International Cooperation, the Russian Federation addressed the audience which was followed by a report by Dr Rajesh Gopal, Member-Secretary NTCA and Secretary General, Global Tiger Forum. The event also covered advances in tiger monitoring a report by WWF-India, the recovery of tiger population by Wildlife Institute of India, cracking wildlife crime by TRAFFIC International and real time electronic surveillance from Corbett a report by NTCA.

At the event Tiger Alive Initiative of WWF launched the CAT/S, while GTF introduced the audience to their new website that seeks to address a greater audience for tiger conservation globally.

With the primary focus on tiger conservation all parties at the Conference of Parties of the CBD sought to increase awareness towards the programs, strengthen the implementation of already existing processes and launch advanced methods for combating tiger poaching while increasing their numbers worldwide.

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