Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition 2014 show introduces ‘Light +’

The Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition will be held again from 9 – 12 June in the China Import and Export Fair Complex with a new record number of exhibitors across 21 halls covering 215,000 sqm.

This year, the organiser takes a renewed approach to stressing the four vital industry drivers of design, technology, market and network in the organisation of the exhibition and the complementary event programme to foster industry connections from lighting concept initiation to final implementation.

By bringing together all major players including planners, designers, manufacturers and implementers, attendees will discover the latest multi-channel strategies for their marketing efforts, while learning about new technologies such as LED and smart lighting.

The growth of Asia’s lighting industry can be largely witnessed in the rise of LED and smart lighting technology. These key technologies have already been an integral part of the Guangzhou show through the efforts of influential participating brands. Sharing their views on upcoming market trends, several of the show’s exhibitors explained:

Ms Pilva Kwan, Senior Manager of International Marketing, Optiled: “LED and smart lighting has been embraced by a wide range of industries over the past number of years, and we expect this trend to continue strongly in 2014. Thanks to a strong green energy coefficient, LED lighting in particular reduces overall electricity consumption as well as lowers operational costs, making a compelling case for the technology’s adoption.”

Mr Rover Wong, President, BJB Electric Dongguan Ltd: “China currently accounts for approximately 30% of global output in lighting fixture manufacturing. Of that amount, the production of LEDs totals 20 – 30%, while at the same time LEDs account for 90% of all lighting-related R&D projects in the country. We are forecasting a CAGR of more than 20% for LED lighting in China until 2018. It is truly an exciting time to be a part of this industry, especially within the China market.”

Mr Sri Jandhyala, Strategic Marketing Director for LED Lighting, ON Semiconductor: “We see 2014 as the turning point for the global and domestic LED and smart lighting market, as the push to use energy-saving lighting intensifies. Riding on this global trend, we expect China’s LED and smart lighting market to experience fast growth, which means a bright future for lighting solution providers.”

Introducing Light-plus: the Guangzhou show’s revamped concurrent event programme

The areas of design, market, technology and network also play a pivotal role in the organisation of the more than 100 concurrent events scheduled to take place during the four-day show. Known as the Light-plus series of events, the 2014 concurrent event programme will look at the current state of traditional and LED lighting industries through these four concepts:

Light + Design – Bringing together planners, designers, manufacturers and engineers, events under Light + Design will highlight the importance of lighting design in affecting the perception of buildings as well as urban environments. Light + Design’s series of events will stress the significance of cooperation between all relevant parties in lighting design toward the effective and efficient usage of lighting. Some of the topics scheduled for discussion include the integration of daylight in design and sustainability in lighting. Associated events will include:
• 10th Asia Lighting Art Symposium - Smart City Lighting
• 10th Asia Lighting Art Symposium - The Luminous Design Think Tank
• Alighting Symposium: Lighting Design

Light + Technology – Facilitating discussion among global industry associations, leading corporations and research institutes, Light + Technology’s series of events will look at the growth of smart lighting and LED technology. Events under this category are expected to highlight the importance of innovation towards the growth of the international lighting industry. Associated events will include:
• Asia LED Summit – LEDth Summit 2014
• Asia LED Summit – LEDforum 2014
• Lighting Control Symposium
• Alighting Symposium: The CTO New technology Presentation

Light + Market – Providing a productive overview on strategies towards multi-channel management, Light + Market events will host a series of discussion for professionals involved in lighting product distribution. Events under this category will also look at effective entry strategies for emerging markets for smart and LED lighting technology, such as Russia. Some of the scheduled events under Light + Market include:
• Alighting symposium: Channel strategies
• Russia Lighting Information Forum

Light + Network – Bringing together the global lighting community is a series of formal and informal networking events under Light + Network. Featuring the popular AGORA platform, this category welcomes all interested players to discover new business opportunities and exchange information.

Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition, along with the concurrently held Guangzhou Electrical Building Technology, is headed by the biennial Light + Building event, which will take place from 30 March – 4 April 2014 in Frankfurt, Germany. Attendees to Light + Building 2014 are welcomed to meet Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition’s officials at booth A28A in Hall 10.1.

To find out more information about the shows, please visit or email to

Background information on Messe Frankfurt
Messe Frankfurt is one of the world’s leading trade show organisers with 543* million euros in sales and 2,026* employees worldwide. The Messe Frankfurt Group has a global network of 28 subsidiaries and approx. 50 international Sales Partners, giving it a presence for its customers in more than 150 countries. Events “made by Messe Frankfurt” take place at more than 30 locations around the globe. In 2013, Messe Frankfurt organised 114* trade fairs, of which more than half took place outside Germany.

Messe Frankfurt’s exhibition grounds, featuring 578,000 square metres, are currently home to ten exhibition halls and an adjacent Congress Center. The company is publicly owned, with the City of Frankfurt holding 60 percent and the State of Hesse 40 percent.  For more information, please visit our website at:
* preliminary numbers (2013)

Media contact
Amadou Doumbia
Tel. +852 2238 9941
Fax +852 2598 7919

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