Greenpeace PH launches action-oriented online platform,

Filipinos looking for a comprehensive way to initiate people-powered movements and community action need look no further than, the online petition platform launched by Greenpeace Philippines today.

Jenny Tuazon, Bataris Project Leader, said that Greenpeace is hosting the site because it wants to provide Filipinos with the tools and support they need to take meaningful action.

“Filipinos have a deep-rooted history of standing up and fighting for change. We at Greenpeace are happy to provide the technology to help them continue to make a difference,” Tuazon said.

The Filipino word ‘bataris’ means voluntary cooperative effort, and is synonymous to the more familiar term, ‘bayanihan,’ a well-known Filipino custom referring to the spirit of communal unity and cooperation towards achieving a common goal.

The Bataris platform allows people to come together to take government, businesses and other decision-makers to task on issues that require action and change. Petitions can be created about anything, provided that it covers issues that involve justice and sustainability. is hosted and maintained by Greenpeace Philippines, although the non-profit organization does not run or endorse any of the campaigns created there. Petition creators retain full ownership of their campaigns.

Tuazon says participants will also have regular contact with a Bataris team member who can offer technical and strategic advice on rolling out and managing their respective campaigns.

“The Philippines’ rich history of people’s movements has proven that every Filipino has the power to win campaigns and create positive change, Bataris is our contribution to the Movement, providing avenues where people can participate in.” Tuazon added.

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