GreenBizCheck’s commitment to not for profit organisations

GreenBizCheck are excited to announce our commitment to Australian not for profit organisations by making our environmental certification programs more accessible to them.

“We feel that it’s important for us to give back to organisations that provide such important services to our community, expecially when they are also trying to operate in an environmentally responsible manner.” said Nicholas Bernhardt, Managing Director of GreenBizCheck.

We will be expanding our existing relationship with Coefficiency, a social enterprise that works exclusively with not for profit organisations, by continuing to provide a not for profit specific environmental certification program and providing our certification programs to all not for profit organsiations at a discounted price.

“The cost of certification can be a barrier for our clients, who understandably need to prioritise their core business of providing services to our community” says Dave Johnston, Director at Coefficiency, “so GreenBizCheck’s commitment will make it easier for all not for profit organisations to externally verify the work that they’re doing on the environment.”

This initiative is a part of GreenBizCheck’s corporate social responsibility strategy.

Contact details

For more information about GreenBizCheck’s corporate social responsibility strategy, please contact Nicholas Bernhardt, Managing Director of GreenBizCheck, at

If you are a not for profit organsation and would like to find out more about this initiative, please contact Dave Johnston on

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