Future Victorian government should raise the bar not drag the chain

Electorate response to policies and promises made in the lead up to the Victorian State election will set the course for Victoria’s prosperity in the years ahead.

The Future Economy Group invited each of the three major parties to articulate their policy response to ‘six powerful ideas’ to ensure the state’s future prosperity, following research and recommendations released in July 2014.

As at 26 November 2014, responses have been received from the ALP and the Greens with unedited versions published on (www.futureeconomy.com.au).

“TFEG’s research clearly demonstrates tangible and scaleable opportunities for Victoria in terms of job creation, wealth and the protection of natural capital. TFEG’s recommendations provide an important contribution to the state’s economic blueprint for future growth. Victorians need to be sure that a future government will be strategic about the challenges it faces, decisive in taking action and not miss the opportunity,” said Andrew Petersen, CEO Sustainable Business Australia.

“TFEG’s report highlights the need for action now by government to ensure Victoria’s next wave of prosperity. Strategic policy direction rather than business as usual will support company and investor action to build a dynamic, resilient and sustainable economy” said Phillip Vernon, Managing Director Australian Ethical Investments Limited.

The report recommends that the new State Government immediately:

  • Undertake detailed modelling to determine industries most at risk from declining natural capital,
  • Develop a clear plan for the future of the economy that drives employment and prosperity through reducing emissions and pollution, improves resource efficiency and prevents the loss of natural capital,
  • Require the Treasurer to disclose economic costs to and values of the environment through budget papers
  • Continue to measure natural capital through State of the Environment Report

TFEG report also urged Victoria’s political and business leaders to adopt six powerful ideas.

Link to full report

About the Future Economy Group

Future Economy Group members include bankmecu, VicSuper, Sustainable Business Australia, Australian Ethical Investment, Whole Kids Organic Foods, Pacific Hydro, Intrepid Travel, Third Ecology and Environment Victoria.

About Sustainable Business Australia

SBA (www.sba.asn.au) was established in Australia in 1991, and is the peak body for advocacy for sustainable business activities in Australia, and appointed Global Partner for WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development) in 2014. Its members represent leading Australian businesses across sectors who share a commitment to economic, environmental and social development. SBA represents just member companies, public sector enterprises and institutions, BINGOs and community organisations , which in turn represent 100,000 + Australian employees. SBA is the secretariat for the Businesses for Clean Economy which is an initiative of over 400 business signatories. www.b4ce.com.au

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