First ‘art, environment and consciousness’ event celebrates water

Calling all eco-conscious and expressive types: a unique event centred on understanding the freshwater crisis through art and dance - the first of its kind in Singapore - will be held on 10 September at the Aliwal Arts Centre.

‘Water Falls: Rise in Rhythmic Consciousness’, is a three-hour experiential water awareness event that connects the environmental and social impact of water consumption with the arts and mindful movement to inspire individuals to action.

‘Water Falls’ will feature debut performances in Singapore by former world champion break-dancer and choreographer, Daniel ‘Sonic’ Rojas; Japanese-Brazilian drum virtuoso, Danilo Tsuyoshi; multi-instrumentalist Aki-ra Sunrise and conscious musician Hiroyuki Matsuhisa.

Organised by sustainable finance and freshwater expert Herry Cho together with Daniel Rojas, the event celebrates the power of water while highlighting the severity of the global water crisis.

A passionate advocate for freshwater and sustainability, Ms Cho will share the most pressing issues relating to the crisis and discuss how individual responsibility can make a difference in life and business.

Many of us are unaware of the true impact our daily lifestyles have on water resources, as well as the interconnectedness of water-food-energy-climate change. For example, 1kg of rice or one cotton t-shirt, requires an average of 2,500 litre/kg to produce. The same amount of beef requires an astounding 15,000 litres. This is on top of the direct domestic utilities water consumption in Singapore of c. 150 litres/capita/day.

At a more macro level, one in two countries is under threat from water crisis, and rising sea levels, deforestation and climate change all directly increase the risk of flood and drought where large populations live. Freshwater is one of the most precious resources in the world and we must do everything we can to protect it – starting from increased awareness.

We invite you to come with an open mind to learn, to act and to celebrate the power and movement of water.

Places are limited. Special early bird rates are available for those who book before 11 August 2016.

Date: 10 September 2016
Time: 2 – 5pm

Venue: Multipurpose Hall, Aliwal Arts Centre, 28 Aliwal St, Singapore 199918

How to Register: Facebook and Peatix

Early bird Ticket Price: $45
Online Ticket Price: $55
Door Price: $60
Student Price (with ID proof): $40
Group Price: 4 tickets or more at $45, after 11 August
*The event is for those above the ages of 15 only

For more information, please contact:
Christen Chen, Social Collective Pte. Ltd.

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