EVI designed and commissioned 2 MW Solar PV plant in Malaysia

The successful designing and commissioning of a 2MW Solar PV plant was done by Emergent Ventures within 2 months time at Puchong, Malaysia.

EVI was the lead consultant for the project handling all dimensions of civil, mechanical and electrical engineering, PMC and Quality assurance and control in the project.

The project involved complete detailed engineering design for entire plant in cyclone and lightning prone area near sea coast with structural design for wind speed of over 250 Km/hr and evacuation infrastructure at 11KV. The project involved usage of string inverters instead of the conventional inverters.

The measured PLF of the plant is 17.5% and the performance is 8500 units of generation per day. Activation of real time SCADA system by SMA Cluster Controllers and web monitoring makes the plant more efficient and controlled. The client whose director has been awarded by the title of “Dato”, an honorary title conferred by the hereditary royal ruler has appreciated the quality of work and performance demonstrated by Emergent Ventures.

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