Europe strives for sustainability with biodegradable bags!

Since the beginning of 2011, use of plastic bags has changed completely.

Italians who are said to account for more than a fifth of the plastic bags used in Europe were using about 20 billion plastic bags per year.  A new law banned bags that are not biodegradable and shop owners are instructed to use bags from cloth, paper or other biodegradable materials. Italian Environment Minister regarded the new law as great achievement stating that mass garbage can be reduced, littering is less and the environment will be improved in general.

With this declaration Italy joined the group of countries that forbid or at least reduce the usage of plastic bags. Other European countries have surcharges on plastic bags, a measure that cuts the usage of harmful plastic materials by more than 50% pointing out besides hazardous effects, great  potential of death risk for animals. In USA since 2007 plastic bags have started to be banned  on local level. In San Francisco, first city that introduced such law they are forbidden in supermarkets and drug stores. After that many cities followed that example. Environmental organisations have strongly supported these policies. They indicate that in 21 first century new technologies based on sustainability have finally found a way to work in contribution to the environment instead of  hazardously ruining it’s natural balance.

To put it more simply if we know that use span of a plastic bag is only 45 minutes, this means simply that it is thrown away rather than being used once again. In contrast to the usage time of a plastic bag it takes 77 million years to generate one drop of fossil fuel! Once thrown away plastic bag takes 400 years to decompose or they produce very hazardous gases in incineration plants. Turn towards biodegradable materials shows a positive trend that leaderships as well as ordinary people are becoming more aware of the importance of sustainability and preserving our natural surroundings.

Cortec research laboratory devoted many years of dedicated studies to develop Eco Works® - certified biodegradable and compostable flexible films and bags designed to replace many forms of low and high density polyethylene at highly competitive pricing. Used in applications ranging from protective industrial films and agricultural films, to retail packaging and municipal waste diversion collection bags. Eco Works® is a range of formulations, that can be customized to your precise needs. When placed in typical composting environment EcoWorks® film will fully biodegrade into carbon dioxide and water within a matter of 6-8 weeks when placed in a typical composting environment.

There is no ecotoxicity to the soil, plants or microorganisms involved in this process. These films have been certified 100% biodegradable/ compostable per ASTM D6400 and DIN EN 13432 by certifying agencies such as BPI and DIN CERTCO.

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Cortec® Corporation is a world leader in innovative, environmentally responsible VpCI® and MCI® corrosion control technologies for Packaging, Metalworking, Construction, Electronics, Water Treatment, Oil & Gas, and other industries.  Our relentless dedication to sustainability, quality, service, and support is unmatched in the industry. Headquartered in St. Paul, Minnesota, Cortec® manufactures over 400 products distributed worldwide.  ISO 9001 & ISO 14001:2004 Certified.

Cortec Website: Phone: 1-800-426-7832   FAX: (651) 429-1122

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