eTool Announces Partnership with 1% for the Planet

Perth, Western Australia, 13th December 2012 – eTool, the market leader in life cycle assessment software for the built environment today joined 1% for the Planet, pledging to donate 1% of annual sales to support non-profit organizations focused on lowering carbon emissions and environmental conservation and sustainability.

“By motivating sustainable change in the way we design and build, we’ve helped create low carbon buildings across Australia, so committing to 1% for the Planet and protecting the environment was a natural step for us. The real heroes of course are the likes of Yvonne and Craig who started 1% for the Planet and motivated people like us to rise to the challenge.” says eTool co-founder/director Richard Haynes.

“Signing on to 1% for the Planet shows eTool has a strong commitment to investing in sustainability efforts,” says Terry Kellogg, CEO of One Percent for the Planet. “They’re using business as a tool to engage and motivate their stakeholders while partnering with environmental organizations that complement their brand. We’re excited to welcome eTool to our global network.”

From December 2012, eTool will join 29 leading Australian businesses in donating at least 1% of their revenue to environmental non-profits. As Haynes explains, “our donation demonstrates that even small companies just starting out can share their success, give back to the community and protect the planet at the same time.”

Over the last year, eTool has helped residential and commercial developers substantially lower the carbon footprint of their buildings with over 40 construction projects assessed to date. Each design is also analysed by eTool’s team of engineers for improvements, which are then calculated into CO2 reductions and given to the clients. So far, nearly 17,000 tonnes of CO2 reductions have been identified through eTool’s design recommendations, with the majority already implemented or committed to.

“We’re stoked at the numbers, as it’s equivalent to the annual emissions of over 500 Australians! For a start up organisation with only four full time staff, we’re already having a pretty big impact and plan to push it even further next year,” says Haynes.
For 2013, the company has set a target of helping their clients reduce their building’s carbon emissions by at least 150,000 tonnes. With interest from the US and EU growing and high profile sustainable projects such as BioRegional’s 5X4 project in Melbourne welcoming their input, eTool are proof that Australian innovation can lead to environmental change and industry success even during an economic downturn.

Members of 1% for the Planet contribute one percent of annual sales directly to any of the approved non-profit environmental organizations in the network.  Non-profits are approved based on referrals, track record and sustainability focus. Over 2,900 non-profits worldwide are currently approved.

“As we near our 10th anniversary we’re celebrating that our members have contributed nearly $100 million of critically needed funds,” comments Kellogg. “The understanding that brands can succeed financially by investing in the environment is clearly apparent, and consumer demand is driving a lot of this success. The average annual revenue growth of the companies in the 1% for the Planet network from 2008 to 2011 was over 50%, even though the overall economy has been struggling. There’s a paradigm shift happening here and we’re thrilled that so many innovative businesses are sling-shotting the movement in to high gear.”

About 1% for the Planet
Started in 2002 by Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia, and Craig Mathews, owner of Blue Ribbon Flies, 1% for the Planet is a platform of credibility and engagement for environmentally conscious brands that are truly committed to making a positive impact with their business. This growing global movement of over 1,400 member companies in 45 countries donate one percent of annual sales to environmental organizations worldwide. To learn more go to:

About eTool
A Perth based environmental start up, eTool started in 2010 by developing eTool LCA, the world’s most advanced, streamlined life cycle assessment software for the built environment. Using their innovative software, eTool has redefined the way people think about building design and our low carbon future; ensuring cost effective and sustainable outcomes are available to everyone, the world over.
To learn more go to:

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