EarthCheck partners with Entegy to provide innovative mobile solutions

Hot on the heels of its G20 success, EarthCheck has announced a cutting edge partnership with leading mobile technology firm Entegy. The two companies will collaborate to build on the popularity and reach of mobile innovations and the award winning EarthCheck Software Platform.

Together, EarthCheck and Entegy will work on a variety of projects including an integrated events solution to engage venues and delegates, interactive destination applications for communities and dynamic mobile applications for lodging and museum clients.

Stewart Moore, CEO of EarthCheck, said that EarthCheck customers are increasingly away from the desk and require one central access point for finding information and using EarthCheck software.

Mr Moore said that, “The hospitality market continues to embrace mobile devices. To appeal to our clients, applications need to provide a seamless experience for the visitor, delegate and operator. Through our partnership with Entegy, we are working on plans to create an accessible and user friendly application for the conscious traveller.”

Initially the EarthCheck and Entegy collaboration is going to focus on a two key areas: Events and Lodgings.

‘Events’ includes live polling systems, scanning technology and exhibition & venue way finding. ‘Lodgings’ is an online management console that gives users a single place to enjoy unlimited control and flexibility in mobile application development and deployment. Clients will be able to manage their application design, layout and content. They will also have access to an easy to understand dashboard of rich usage data.

Graeme Caplen, Director at Entegy, said that Entegy’s communications platforms bridge the gap between brands and the people and places that engage with them. The result is a bundle of tangible benefits that are flexible, personalised, very easy to use and cost effective.

Mr. Caplen added that, “By partnering with EarthCheck we are expanding our global reach and harnessing more people, places and information in this growing sector.”

EarthCheck have helped realize more than $500 million in savings for its partners in over 70 countries. It is estimated that 6 million consumers a week are already touched with its branded solutions.

For more information, contact Tara Roberson on +61 7 3238 1950 or

For more information, contact
Tara Roberson
Communications – EarthCheck
P: +61 7 3238 1900
M: +61 404 516 635

About EarthCheck

EarthCheck is the world’s leading environmental management and professional services group for the travel and tourism industry. Its flagship product, EarthCheck Certification, has helped clients in more than 70 countries realise over $500 million in operational savings while reducing their footprint on the environment.

EarthCheck believes smart business practice and sustainability go hand-in-hand. It focuses on productivity, profitability and performance as well as resource efficiency, eliminating waste and safeguarding the social and natural environment.

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