EarthCheck launches new events toolkit

EarthCheck, the world’s leading benchmarking and certification program for the travel and tourism sector, has just made Responsible Meetings a whole lot easier with the release of a new tool kit that helps organisations meet the rigorous ISO20121 standard for Sustainable Events Management.

Supported by EarthCheck’s software, the Responsible Meetings and Events Tool assists event organisers to navigate the complex planning requirements of ISO20121 and prepare compliance reports on waste management, energy efficiency, ecosystem conservation, and management of water resources.

CEO of EarthCheck, Mr Stewart Moore said meetings and events are one of the largest growth sectors in the world as well as one of the biggest producers of waste. The industry now faces a reputational and a market demand to minimize its impact on the environment.

“In the new green economy there are now increasing expectations on large and small companies to deliver improved sustainability efforts. Having responsible meetings that start with green procurement and which do the right thing when it comes to reducing waste, energy and water can lead to significant economic and social benefits,” said Stewart Moore.

“What we have developed is a simple and easy-to-use tool kit that supports our members through the event-planning process, making it easy to measure and minimise the potential environmental, economic and social impacts of events. It also puts these findings at the fingergtips for compliance and reporting purposes.”

Michael Kwee, Coordinating Director at Banyan Tree Global Foundation, says the new tool will strengthen Banyan Tree’s overall sustainability focus.

“This tool will empower our resorts to further deliver on our brand’s promise of core value of sustainable experiences, now via the meetings and events we host. It also provides us an additional opportunity to further engage stakeholders with our commitment to sustainability.”

Mr Moore notes that the assessment checklist provided in the new toolkit is free for EarthCheck’s 1300 members across the world. EarthCheck can also provide an additional service to verify compliance to IS20121 through an approved EarthCheck assessor and provide formal Certification through a third party auditor if this is desired.

Events that are verified by an EarthCheck assessor will be promoted on the company’s website and through its social media channels. Event organisers will also receive an EarthCheck logo to showcase their accomplishment to stakeholders.

For more information:
Tara Roberson
EC3 Global Marketing
T: +61 7 3238 1950

About EarthCheck

EarthCheck, managed and owned by EC3 Global, is an internationally recognised environmental management and certification program with members in over 80 countries. The program improves operational performance of member organisations and reduces costs. Recent studies show that six million people a week are impacted by EarthCheck’s branded solutions. The company takes a scientific and systematic approach to risk mitigation and legislative requirements and is regarded as one of the world’s best practice environmental sustainability leaders. For more information, visit

About EC3 Global

EC3 Global is an international tourism and environmental management and advisory group which was developed by the Sustainable Tourism Cooperative Research Centre (STCRC), the worlds largest dedicated research centre specialising in sustainable tourism and research. EC3 Global work with clients to plan, manage and achieve business, development and marketing objectives; set and achieve sustainability goals with a triple bottom-line focus and implement programs to achieve these objectives. Its global community of clients has access to experienced project managers and allied professionals, as well as global tourism best practice and research. For more information, visit

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