Earth Day diamond: Scientific breakthrough

On this, the 45th annual Earth Day, Pure Grown Diamonds announces a scientific breakthrough with the unveilings of the world’s largest diamond growing greenhouse and world’s largest lab-cultivated diamond – evidence of a true 21st Century achievement that will help decrease dependency on destructive diamond mining.

Diamond mining is responsible for collapsing eco-systems, disintegrating wild habitats, a century of workers’ and human rights violations and bloody armed conflicts sparked by greed.

Perfected process of carbon crystallization

“Our physicists have perfected the laboratory process of replicating the earth’s natural crystallization of carbon into alluring, scintillating, sizeable diamonds for the luxury jewelry, engineering, high-tech, precision-cutting instrument and semi-conductor industries,” says Pure Grown Diamonds President and CEO Lisa Bissell. “Pure Grown Diamonds are indistinguishable from mined diamonds, even under a microscope, according to the Gemological Institute of America and International Gemological Institute.”

According to the Federal Trade Commission, these diamonds, are composed of the same chemical, physical and optical properties as earth mined diamonds. “However,” says Bissell, “Pure Grown Diamonds cost, on average, 30 to 40 per cent less than earth-mined diamonds.”

Diamonds: Girl’s best friend, Mother Earth’s enemy

“Diamonds are a girl’s best friend but diamond mining is Mother Earth’s enemy,” says Bissell. “We have unlocked the code that will help spare the earth from further damage and solve the dilemma of rapidly depleting diamond mines.” (See Frost & Sullivan Report Below)

Patricia Arquette previews world’s largest pure grown diamond

Academy Award winner Patricia Arquette previewed The World’s Largest Laboratory-Cultivated Pure Grown Diamond in Hollywood at a pre-Oscar soirée. It is a 3.04 carat, near colorless diamond – priced at $23,000 compared to an identical earth-mined diamond selling for more than $40,000.

“This is a lab-created diamond, which means there is no blood involved in this diamond,” exclaimed Arquette. “It is especially beautiful because no children died for this diamond. There were no slave wages paid for this diamond. There was actually a working wage paid to create this diamond. And, that’s about love.”

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