Cundall leading the way for One Planet Living

As the first and only consultant in the world to achieve One Planet Company endorsement, Cundall are leading the way in Australia for this approach. 

Since their endorsement in 2012, Cundall have been spreading the word about their journey and how it has benefited them and have recently launched their One Planet Services, which draws on their own experiences and helps projects, communities and companies significantly reduce their impact on the environment.

Cundall have presented to over 300 people at events in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and Adelaide and are the gold sponsors of the current Australian One Planet Living Tour. Monday saw their most recent event which was fully booked within seven days and included talks from Pooran Desai, co-founder of One Planet Living, the Footprint Company’s Dr Caroline Noller and Cundall’s Simon Wild.

Simon’s presentation included a recent staff survey which showed that 85% of Cundall’s people agreed the One Planet endorsement had improved Cundall’s brand, 95% agreed that it has helped them win more work and 80% agreed that it had changed their thoughts on sustainability.  “These kind of statistics make others sit up and listen and we now want to other companies achieve the same benefits” Explains Simon.

Cundall now have an Australian wide team of One Planet Sustainability Integrators, the only company to do so, and are currently working on projects in Australia, UK and China that are focused on One Planet outcomes.  They have launched three One Planet Services; One Planet Communities, One Planet Companies and One Planet Projects. “In all our One Planet services we use the empirical analysis of ecological footprint calculations and embodied resources as well as the One Planet Living framework to combine the transparency of data with the commitment to targets of One Planet Living.” Says Simon “Our team are keen to apply the One Planet Principals and One Planet Footprint services to new projects and companies to see the wide range of benefits become reality.”

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