Construction21 opens its 12th platform in China to promote sustainable construction

Created in 2012 to accelerate the environmental transformation of the building sector, Construction21 confirms its world ambitions on all topics related to sustainable construction and cities. Thus, a partnership agreement was signed with CABR at the COP22 in Marrakesh, on November 14th, during the Green Building & City Solutions Awards ceremony, to create the Construction21 China platform.

A prestigious Chinese partner, CABR

After the first deployments outside of Europe, in Morocco and Algeria, Construction21 will launch a Chinese platform in February 2017. This platform will be managed by the National Engineering Research Center of Building Technology (NERCBT), a member organization of the China Academy of Building Research (CABR), the Chinese public research center dedicated to building. This public company provides the Chinese government with significant technical support in all matters of building, especially through the redaction of regulations and standards of the sector.

For Linna Xie, Associate Director of Department at CABR, “There is a huge market as well as lots of successful practices and builders in China. It’s necessary for us to cooperate with Construction21 in terms of the international communication and technology improvement. From our point, we will share the best green building and city solutions globally, promote the development of Construction21 and extend its influences in the exploration of sustainable development”.

China, milestone in Construction21 world development

Christian Brodhag, President of Construction21 International, reminded “Construction21’s ability to broadly disseminate, on a world scale, best practices for sustainable buildings and cities, by highlighting solutions used and implemented by practitioners. The creation of the first Asian platform, in the biggest greenhouse gas emitting country, on the frontline of international negotiations on climate, is a crucial step for the worldwide cover aimed by Construction21 by 2020. “

Starting February 2017, all Construction21 case studies accessible in Chinese

The Construction21 China platform will open in February 2017 and fully operational for the launch of the Green Building & City Solutions Awards 2017, on March 15th at MIPIM. All case studies describing exemplary buildings, eco-districts or sustainable infrastructures and already published on one of the existing Construction21 platforms will be automatically translated in Chinese.

Therefore, they will benefit from a large direct visibility among Chinese professionals. In reverse, case studies published on the Chinese platform will be accessible in English, French or Spanish, for professionals all over the world. Visit Construction21 in French, in English, in Spanish.

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