ClimateCare strengthens its presence in India

Climate and sustainable development expert ClimateCare has expanded its operations and opened a new office in India, in response to rising demand from businesses who want to invest in sustainable development projects across the country.

Komal Sinha joins the team as Head of Partnerships. With 10 years’ experience creating sustainability strategies for Indian corporates, Sinha is excited by the prospect of matching strategy with project delivery - creating measurable climate, sustainability and business outcomes for corporate clients.

“I joined ClimateCare because I want to deliver climate and development impacts on the ground here in India. ClimateCare has an award winning project development team and a world leading reputation in the field of community impact projects. I’m looking forward to make a difference to people, the environment and businesses across India.” she says.

ClimateCare has seen demand increase, as its international corporate clients seek to fund projects within their supply chains and key markets in India.

In addition, it is seeing new demand following changes to legislation which took effect from 2014.

Companies doing business in India are now required to allocate 2 per cent of their average net profit over three years to programmes that deliver positive impacts for local communities.

“All these companies are looking for the best ways to invest their CSR budgets, and this is where ClimateCare can help” explains ClimateCare CEO Edward Hanrahan

Since it was founded in 1997 ClimateCare has worked with businesses around the world to create social, environmental and business value through Climate+Care programmes which cut carbon and improve lives.

Examples include helping farmers use treadle pumps to improve yields and income; tackling indoor air pollution through the provision of clean cooking solutions and making clean, renewable energy available to households and communities for the first time.

Through its India office, ClimateCare will help organisations deliver social and environmental impacts quickly and at scale, by supporting and expanding existing projects.

It will also develop bespoke community investment projects, aligned to a company’s core business purpose and values.

Komal Sinha, Head of Partnerships for ClimateCare India said: “Businesses working with ClimateCare benefit in a number of ways. The ClimateCare team has 19 years’ experience of creating and delivering award winning projects around the world. They understand the types of programmes that make financial sense for a businesses and are frequently able to bring organisations together, to deliver even greater impact for their budgets. They know which activities deliver maximum business value as well as how best to deliver social and environmental impact. Working with ClimateCare takes away the risk, the resource requirements and the stress of designing and implementing a successful CSR programme.”

Edward Hanrahan, CEO of ClimateCare said: “We are delighted to be expanding our operations in India and to welcome Komal to the team. A few weeks ago we announced impressive impacts against our 2020 targets – having improved life for 16.5 million people and at the same time cut 20.6 million tonnes of CO2. Scaling our work will enable us to meet the needs of our corporate clients and importantly, it will deliver greater positive impacts for people, the environment and businesses in India.”

Companies interested in working with ClimateCare in India can email or call ClimateCare’s office on +44(0)1865 591000.


ClimateCare is a certified B Corporation. We believe that climate change, poverty and sustainable development cannot be tackled in isolation. And that we cannot rely solely on aid. Governments and business must work together to deliver the speed and scale of change required to secure a sustainable future.

That’s why, for the past 19 years, we have mobilised the power and scale of both private and public finance for integrated Climate+Care programmes, which deliver positive environmental and social impacts around the world.

We combine the vision of a social enterprise and the commercial experience of an investment bank. Leveraging mainstream funding, we profitably deliver some of the largest, most successful sustainability initiatives in the world. To date we have worked with hundreds of partners to cut over 16.5 million tonnes of CO2 and at the same time, improved the lives of 6 million people.

Businesses and Governments alike, see the value and sense in our integrated Climate+Care approach and we have set an ambitious vision for 2020. To cut a further 20 million tonnes of CO2 and improve the lives of another 20 million people.

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Press enquiries and image requests

Please contact: RhiannonSzmigielski, ClimateCare

Tel: +44 (0)1865 591000


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