Carlson Rezidor HQ in Asia Pacific achieves EarthCheck Gold

Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group’s Asia Pacific Headquarters (HQ) is the first administrative office in Asia Pacific to be awarded with the prestigious EarthCheck Gold Certification. This achievement underlines its commitment to environmental stewardship and responsible business practices.

With all eleven EarthCheck benchmarks, the headquarters has demonstrated exemplary performance and commitment to continuous improvement. In comparison with other administrative offices in Singapore, Carlson Rezidor Asia Pacific scores above ‘best practice’ level in four indicators: energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions (at only 49.7 kg CO2-e/square metres), potable water consumption and waste that goes to landfill.

Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group approaches responsible business with focus on both the results and how these results were achieved, providing employees, guests, customers, clients and business partners with peace of mind knowing that Carlson Rezidor is a global force for good. The company’s Responsible Business Program is built on three pillars: We are the People – investing in the well-being of guests and the growth of employees, We are the Community – leading in social and ethical issues in the community, and We are the Environment – continuously seeking ways to minimise environmental impact.

With Responsible Business at the core of its sustainable business practices, Carlson Rezidor Asia Pacific has chosen to use EarthCheck’s science-based software and tools to measure the effectiveness of its environmental and CSR practices.

To obtain Gold Certification Carlson Rezidor Asia Pacific Headquarters in Singapore, has for the past five years, reported and verified its environmental performance through EarthCheck, providing third-party assurance.

To further strengthen Carlson Rezidor’s commitment to high-level certification achievements and continued progress with EarthCheck, it has recently renewed its partnership for another three years. EarthCheck, a program delivered by EC3 Global, is considered to be the world’s most credible environmental benchmarking and certification program for the travel and tourism sector.

Stewart Moore, CEO of EC3 Global and the EarthCheck program said, “Carlson Rezidor Asia Pacific has joined an elite group of international hotel operators across the world who have consistently demonstrated their commitment to both adopting responsible environmental practices and promoting the need for more sustainable operations.”

Moore continues, “By taking a scientific approach to measuring the effectiveness of their sustainability practices and having everything verified by an independent, third party auditor, Carlson Rezidor Asia Pacific has been able to identify where they are out-performing other offices and where there is room for improvement. This requires a commitment across all levels of an organization, from the very top, all the way through to part time staff and volunteers. Most importantly Carlson Rezidor Asia Pacific is now recognised both in the community and business tourism as a sustainability leader”.

“We are honored to be the only administrative office in Asia Pacific to receive EarthCheck Gold Certification. Aside from our headquarters, 40 more Carlson Rezidor hotels across Asia Pacific are currently engaged in EarthCheck certification with seven hotels expected to receive the gold certification in 2014. By constantly monitoring our environmental performance through EarthCheck certification program, we will achieve our environmental targets for Asia Pacific to reduce waste, energy and water consumption, and carbon dioxide emissions by 10 per cent by 2015. Carlson Rezidor’s commitment to the EarthCheck program is aligned to our commitment to Responsible Business, demonstrating leadership in continuously seeking ways to minimize our environmental impact.” said Simon Barlow, President, Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group Asia Pacific Region.

For travellers the world over, it is encouraging to know there’s a credible body keeping track of sustainability claims. The EarthCheck logo represents travel and tourism’s efforts to come together and take meaningful steps to address the environmental challenges faced by the planet.

About EC3 Global

EC3 Global is an international tourism and environmental management and advisory group which was developed by the Sustainable Tourism Cooperative Research Centre (STCRC), the world’s largest dedicated research centre specialising in sustainable tourism and research. EC3 Global work with clients to plan, manage and achieve business, development and marketing objectives; Set and achieve sustainability goals with a triple bottom line focus and implement programs to achieve these objectives. Its global community of clients have access to experienced project managers and allied professionals, as well as global tourism best practice and research.

About EarthCheck

EarthCheck, managed and owned by EC3 Global, is an internationally recognised environmental management and certification program with members in over 70 countries. The program improves operational performance of member organisations and reduces costs. Recent studies show that 6 million people a week are impacted by EarthCheck’s branded solutions. The company takes a scientific and systematic approach to risk mitigation and legislative requirements and is regarded as one of the world’s best-practice environmental sustainability leaders.

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