Bringing the Board on board: Securing business buy-in to sustainability

Corporate Citizenship’s new thought leadership publication on securing business buy-in to sustainability is available to download here.

Corporate sustainability is most effective when backed by compelling support from senior decision-makers.

Responsible business practices are no longer the preserve of one department. They must cut across issues and teams to realise real value for the business and society. Whilst many companies claim that sustainability is important, few boards systematically consider the issues. The key to overcoming this gap is to translate corporate responsibility from a niche, technical issue into a language that resonates with boards. That means explaining how responsible business practices support the long-term profitability of the firm.

Managers seeking to secure buy-in for sustainability need to understand the core competencies of the board. Perspectives; skills and knowledge vary, and companies find themselves at different stages of the sustainability journey. A set of nine approaches to bringing the board ‘on board’ can help cut through the noise and simplify sustainability for senior executives.

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