Penny Livingston to conduct permaculture design course at Green School Bali

The Kul Kul Farm at Green School Bali is honoured to be welcoming international permaculturist and herbalist Penny Livingston Starke to teach a Permaculture Design Course and a Herbal Medicine Making Workshop at The Kul Kul Farm on the tropical island of Bali this Summer between August 7-23rd.

This is going to be a unique and transformative event; learning permaculture with local Balinese permaculture farmers at one of the most sustainable and ecological sites in the world- the Green School.

The Kul Kul Farm is run by Orin Hardy and Maria Farrugia. Orin’s family started the the extraordinary Green School and Green Village both beautifully designed and constructed with bamboo! Participants will get a personalized tour by Co- Founder John Hardy, of what many consider to be one of the finest world class examples of permaculture design and sustainability, visited by Jane Goodall, Vandana Shiva and UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon.

This is an opportunity to have a deep learning and cultural experience in beautiful Bali. To learn permaculture design skills in growing food, eco- retrofitting, managing land, waste, water and energy.

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