Antimony Green Inc. Announces Conflict Minerals Consulting Services

Antimony Green Inc. announces the addition of conflict minerals consulting services.  “This is a significant growth area for us going forward,” said Steven Olmsted, President and Chief Executive Officer, Antimony Green Inc.  “We are looking to respond to a noticeable uptick in U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Conflict Minerals reporting concerns.”

The current sustainable supply chain engineering decision-making framework injects existing, albeit not standardized, LCA tools into the rapidly growing and fluid business model of environmental accountability.  Transitioning from the use of current sustainable supply chain LCA tools to a standardized decision model that incorporates next generation health assessment protocol, established broad-based sustainable risk characteristics and clearly defined sustainability benefits – social, economic, and environmental is still in its infancy.

Companies are now faced with the addition of conflict mineral reporting in their supply chain engineering.  In August of 2012 the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission adopted conflict mineral Final Rule. This added to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 - section 13(p) subsection (b).  Specifically, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, that garnered such headlines during the financial recession, imparted a section that addressed humanitarian emergencies in certain African nations.  The Conflict Minerals Statutory Provision defines the term “conflict mineral” as cassiterite, columbite-tantalite, gold, wolframite, or their derivatives, or any other minerals or their derivatives determined by the U.S. Secretary of State to be financing conflict in covered countries.

According to a 2012 U.S. Government Accountability Office, “industry associations, multilateral organizations, and other stakeholders have developed global and in-region sourcing initiatives, which include the development of guidance documents, audit protocols, and in-region sourcing systems. These initiatives may support companies’ efforts to conduct due diligence and to identify and responsibly source conflict minerals.”

About Antimony Green Inc.

Antimony Green is a specialty audit and advisory firm that specializes in in sustainability, environmental, social and corporate governance consulting, climate engineering, green infrastructure assessment, industrial ecology and related regulatory issues.

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