An association for sustainability professionals launches in Jakarta

Forty five individuals from business, government, NGOs, academics, & practitioners working in the field of economic, social and environmental launched the first association of sustainability professionals in Indonesia on May 24, 2012 in Jakarta.

The International Society of Sustainability Professionals (ISSP) Indonesia is the first Indonesian chapter of ISSP, based in Portland, Oregon, US. It was recently established in Indonesia to support and equip individuals to be able to cope the challenges they face when dealing with economic, social, and environmental issues in their work and daily life. By joining ISSP Indonesia, the members can benefit from the networking, capacity building, research, tools, modules, and other innovations offered by ISSP.

This organization was launched after a talk show on “Toward Rio+20: Quo Vadis sustainability in Indonesia?”, presenting Prof. Emil Salim, the sustainability ‘guru’ of Indonesia, Bambang Shergi Laksmono (the Dean of Social and Politic Science Faculty of Indonesia University), Endah Murniningtyas of National Development Planning Agency/BAPPENAS, Sofyan Wanandi (the Chair of The Employers’ Association of Indonesia/APINDO), and Pius Ginting of Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia or The Indonesian Forum for Environment.

The was event attended by 153 participants; 48 of which registered as ISSP Indonesia members right away. Aicon Global Indonesia was among other companies sponsoring the event.

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