Accenture’s Skills to Succeed to benefit 500,000 individuals globally by 2015

SINGAPORE; 26 April, 2013 – Since its launch in 2009, Accenture’s CSR programme Skills to Succeed has exceeded its original goal of equipping 250,000 people around the world by 2015 with the skills to get a job or build a business. As a result, the company has set a higher goal to increase its impact in communities worldwide.  By 2015, Accenture aims to equip 500,000 people globally with these workplace and entrepreneurial skills.

Skills to Succeed draws on one of Accenture’s core competencies—training talent—to help address the need for skills that open doors to employment. In Singapore, the initiative combines Accenture’s financial support, the employees’ skills as well as their pro bono contributions of time.

“Through Skills to Succeed, our people are inspired to put their skills and interests to work creating sustained impact in communities around the world. Today, the need is greater than ever to have the right skills to build confidence and capabilities that will open doors to employment for the young and underprivileged people in Singapore,” said Ng Lai Yee, Accenture’s Corporate Citizenship Lead, Singapore.

Pro bono time contributed by employees for charitable causes

Accenture Singapore provides employees with opportunities to partner with non-profit organisations to engage in meaningful pro bono work. To date, Accenture employees have contributed more than 1,200 hours of pro bono work in areas including improving human resources (HR) processes, CRM consulting as well as enhancing IT programmes.

Accenture has been working with aidha, a micro-business school that nurtures the entrepreneurial talent of the underprivileged, to help revamp their basic IT course as well as enhance the school’s infrastructure to support more effective teaching. 

Almost 300 aidha members have been equipped with the IT skills to be small business owners who can generate sustainable income, create employment, and contribute to the economic growth. By 2015, over 2,000 individuals from underprivileged background will benefit from the programme.

In addition, Accenture helped the Down Syndrome Association and the Asian Women’s Welfare Association to analyse and propose solutions to improve their HR processes. They also developed a customer relationship management capability blueprint for the National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre to effectively manage and maintain relationships with their donors and volunteers.


Forty-nine Accenture staff volunteered to teach at the Junior Achievement’s Success Skills curriculum which has equipped 669 students with personal strategies to achieve lifelong learning pursuits and career opportunities. 

Local giving

To date, Accenture Singapore donated $120,000 to various non-profit organisations including the Down Syndrome Association, Society for the Physically Disabled, CARE Singapore and Tana River Life Foundation. This is in line with the global initiative whereby one per cent of Accenture’s pre-tax profits will be donated to Corporate Citizenship initiatives that are aligned to Skills to Succeed

About Skills to Succeed
Skills to Succeed is Accenture’s global corporate citizenship initiative, which focuses on advancing employment and entrepreneurship opportunities in both mature and emerging markets. By 2015, the company is committed to equipping 500,000 people around the world with the skills to get a job or build a business. To achieve this, Accenture will continue to work with strategic partners that share its skills-building goals. Current partners include organizations such Junior Achievement, Plan International, Save the Children, and Youth Business International, among others. Additionally, the company offers its people volunteering and pro-bono opportunities and expands its impact by replicating and scaling successful initiatives. Accenture and the Accenture Foundations will contribute more than US$100 million by the end of 2013 to support the company’s corporate citizenship efforts, through global and local giving, as well as pro bono contributions of time and Accenture employee skills. 

Watch our Skills to Succeed advertisement at the following URL:

About Accenture
Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, with approximately 261,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the world’s most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments. The company generated net revenues of US$27.9 billion for the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2012.  Its home page is

Media Contacts:

Joyce Ong
+65 6410 6494
Yvette Lim
Burson-Marsteller for Accenture 
+65 6671 3234

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