A new way to measure and offset carbon emissions

B Corporations ClimateCare and Carbon Analytics have pooled their expertise to develop a new Carbon Calculator.

The online calculator is powered by measurement experts Carbon Analytics and provides users with a tool to calculate their carbon emissions. Users can then immediately offset these carbon emissions through ClimateCare’s award winning portfolio of climate and sustainable development projects.

The calculator helps you measure the impact of specific activities like travel, attending an event or energy use. For example, calculating the carbon impact of a return economy flight from London Heathrow to New York – a distance of over 6800 miles, shows that each passenger is responsible for 1.54 tonnes of CO2 emissions, and gives the opportunity to offset this for £11.53

After purchase users receive an email confirmation which includes a certificate detailing the amount of carbon offset, information about the projects they have supported and guidance on how to reduce their carbon footprint further. There’s even the option opportunity to purchase offsets as a gift.

Everyone who measures and offsets emissions through the calculator will support projects that both cut global carbon emissions and make a real difference to people’s lives, including the award winning LifeStraw Carbon for Water project – that provides safe drinking water to 4 million people in Western Kenya – and the Gyapa Project, which provides clean efficient cookstoves to families in Ghana.

“Every organisation and every household has a climate impact. Most of us are aware of the issue, but while calculating your exact carbon footprint and taking steps to address it can seem complicated, it doesn’t have to be” explains ClimateCare’s Head of Corporate Partnerships, Rob Stevens.

“With our Carbon Calculator we want to help people take action. We hope that our simple, positive process will help everyone understand and take responsibility for their carbon emissions – both by identifying opportunities to reduce their footprint and offsetting what remains.“

But it doesn’t stop there. For organisations further along their carbon management journey, there is the opportunity to use the business tab to delve into the detail and carry out in depth measurements of business, supply chain and product impacts.

And, once people are engaged, ClimateCare and Carbon Analytics are committed to supporting them on a journey towards carbon neutrality – or even beyond, to become carbon positive.

“Most people and businesses want to reduce their direct energy emissions (what we call Scope 1 emissions) but they often underestimate their indirect emissions, which include the source of their electricity and transportation (Scopes 2 and 3 emissions). The good news is that there are ways to see, understand and reduce all your energy consumption and emissions,” says Michael Thornton, co-founder and CEO of Carbon Analytics.

See the ClimateCare Calculator here: http://climatecare.org/calculator/

Share the calculator on your website

The calculator is freely available for anyone to embed in their own website and ClimateCare is encouraging people to do so, saying: “It will allow more people to understand their carbon impact and can be used by anyone to encourage their online visitors, staff, suppliers and even customers to take action, without leaving their own web pages.”

To request a copy of the ClimateCare Carbon Calculator to embed in your own website simply email business@climatecare.org or call the team on +44(0)1865 591000


ClimateCare is a certified B Corporation. We believe that climate change, poverty and sustainable development cannot be tackled in isolation. And that we cannot rely solely on aid. Governments and business must work together to deliver the speed and scale of change required to secure a sustainable future.

That’s why, for the past 19 years, we have mobilised the power and scale of both private and public finance for integrated Climate+Care programmes, which deliver positive environmental and social impacts around the world.

We combine the vision of a social enterprise and the commercial experience of an investment bank. Leveraging mainstream funding, we profitably deliver some of the largest, most successful sustainability initiatives in the world. To date we have worked with hundreds of partners to cut over 20.6 million tonnes of CO2 and at the same time, improved the lives of 16.5 million people.

Find out more at www.climatecare.org

Follow ClimateCare on Twitter: @ClimateCare

Carbon Analytics

Carbon Analytics is an award-winning London-based environmental impact assessment firm whose mission is to bring environment impact data and analysis quickly and accurately to businesses. We are a certified B Corporation.

Our unique platform and algorithm allow businesses to assess their environmental impacts across their entire supply chain and can be used as a tool for businesses to engage their suppliers in lowering their carbon emissions. We provide a certification scheme to guide businesses on their path to sustainability, from “Carbon Aware” to “Carbon Advocate”. Our secure online platform is free for small- and medium-sized businesses.

Find out more at www.co2analytics.com

Follow Carbon Analytics

Twitter: @co2analytics

Facebook: www.facebook.com/co2analytics

Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/carbon-analytics

About carbon offsetting

Find out about carbon offsetting on the ClimateCare website –http://climatecare.org/carbon-offsetting/

Press enquiries and image requests

Please contact: Rhiannon Szmigielski, ClimateCare

Tel: +44 (0)1865 591000

Email: rhiannon.szmigielski@climatecare.org

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