5 Plus cutting power bills in New South Wales

Savings of up to 40% now achievable in NSW - with 5 Plus Technology for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration.

Efficiency experts Energy Cost Attack has been appointed New South Wales dealer for 5 Plus. ECA specialises in supplying sustainable technologies and product designs for the most efficient air conditioning and refrigeration systems to the New South Wales market in Australia.

“Through our relationship with the manufacturers of 5 Plus, we are able to bring businesses in NSW access to world-class energy saving solutions,” said Tim Etheridge from Energy Cost Attack.

“5 Plus refrigerant gas valve technology is well-tested and with over 130,000 units installed and working in hotels, offices, food stores and transport and logistics centres across the world and now we have the honour to bring it to Australia”

For more information, go to www.5plusnsw.com.au. ECA is seeking air conditioning and refrigeration installers to boost their Authorised network throughout NSW.

We are proud to be working with Energy Cost Attack.

For more information, go to www.5plusenergy.com.au

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