4th Green Investment Summit 2011: Unlocking the green energy potential of Southeast Asia

As the countries in Southeast Asia gear up new plans for expanding the use of renewable energy resources amidst growing global uncertainties in oil prices, increased concerns on global warming and increased pollution levels, there is an increasing need to leverage the global flow of finance towards renewable energy projects.

Governments throughout Asia have already jumped onto the renewable bandwagon through the formation of active policies to promote renewable energy and energy conservation projects. According to PT PLN, the state-owned electricity company of Indonesia, Indonesia is already leading the pack through the development of standardised power-purchasing-agreements (PPA) for renewable energy projects that give favourable prices for electricity through renewable energy resources. The implementation of standardised PPAs will remove uncertainty about returns from financing projects such as mini-hydro resources in Indonesia.

With credible returns, financing should now be made more aware of the investment opportunities from renewable energy projects in order to encourage the greater adoption and growth of the renewable energy industry.

With that in mind and a USD 16 billion renewable energy investment plan in Indonesia as the backdrop, the annual Green Investments Summit will open on the 18 - 19 October 2011 at the Nusa Dua Bali Convention Center.

Bali promises to be an altogether more exciting event especially since it will be held in conjunction with the World -Renewable Energy Congress - Indonesia with full support by the Indonesian National Energy Council, Ministry of Energy, and Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Having established itself as the platform to discuss and advance the state of financing for Clean Energy projects, this October’s delegates will be particularly looking to accelerate the development of projects in the South East Asian region.

Along with opportunities to discuss the latest in the Asian Clean Energy scene with decision-makers, delegates can also expect to obtain updates on regional trends and national agendas from top-level government bodies, while looking to fulfill their personal business opportunities.

All in all, the chief aim of the GIS will be to harness substantial financing to see through the successful development of Clean Energy projects in South East Asia.

Strong support for this cause can be found from both local climate change bodies as well as key international organisations.

Besides presentations from the host country of Indonesia, delegations from Timor Leste, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines will be attending to further boost investments into their respective countries’ clean energy portfolio. Visit the website www.icesn.com for more information.

Key issues to be addressed include the feasibility of CARBON FINANCING in Asia and regional governments’ renewal of their commitments to COMBAT CLIMATE CHANGE while financiers will be delivering advice on leveraging finance to anxious project developers.

For more information pls contact:

Denise Lim
+65 6506 0951

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