Selangor confident of solving water issue

The Malaysian state of Selangor continues to struggle with restructuring its water industry. Photo: Selangor State Park

The Selangor government is confident that it will be able to solve issues pertaining the restructuring of the state’s water industry through discussions with the Federal government as stipulated under the Water Services Industry Act 2006.

Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said the state government was confident that the ongoing discussions would bring about positive results and benefit the people.

The Selangor government is aware of the water bond holders’ concern over the possibility of a decline in their ratings if the restructuring of the water industry remained unsolved. “The solution can be found using a holistic approach by taking into consideration the interests of all parties, including the stockholders,” he said in a statement yesterday.

Abdul Khalid said the state government was waiting for a response from the Energy, Water and Green Technology Ministry to conclude the discussions soon.

On a report that Selangor would face a water crisis by 2012, Abdul Khalid said he had asked the Selangor Water Management Board (LUAS) to conduct a study on the matter and the state government was confident that it had sufficient supply of both raw and treated water.

LUAS had also identified several water treatment plants which had yet to be put into optimum use and had contributed to the shortage of water supply in the state.

“LUAS reports explained that the raw and treated water supply were sufficient, but there was a problem with the capacity of the pipes. This problem should be tackled by the water concessionaire to fulfill the demand of the consumers,” he added.

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