Power generation from renewable energy sources intensifies in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan posted an increase in the volume of electricity generated through renewable energy sources in 2012.

Minister of Industry and New Technologies Asset Issekeshev said that the volume of power generated through renewable energy sources amounted to 450.34 million KW/h in 2012, which exceeds the 2011 figure by 6 percent.

Speaking about energy projects, Issekeshev said 25 such projects were implemented throughout the country, including the construction of the Bolotov unit on the Rozhdenstvensky cordon and solar unit on the roof of the Gumilev Eurasian National University.

Moreover, five small hydropower plants with total capacity of about 20 MWt and the Karatal Hydro Power Station-4 with a capacity of 3.5 MWt were put into operation on the mountainous rivers in the Almaty region as part of the Industrialization Map Project.

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