China calls for coordinated economic, social development in line with environment

China has called on various countries to establish coordinated economic and social development plans for the environment.

The countries of the world should change their consumption and production patterns in an effort to coordinate economic and social development with the environment, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu in Beijing on Tuesday.

Jiang made the remarks at a routine press conference in response to a reporter’s question regarding the ongoing 19th session of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development.

According to Jiang, China attaches importance to the session and the Chinese permanent representative to the United Nations, Li Baodong, has attended the session.

“China hopes participating members will further common understandings through broad and profound discussions with active and pragmatic spirits,” Jiang added.

The 53-member Commission held its annual session at the UN Headquarters in New York on Monday. During the session they considered policies to promote sustainable consumption and production, improve the safety of chemical usage, and enhance waste management, transport and mining practices.

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