World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit

Accelerating the Super Evolution of Agriculture through Innovation and Collaboration

The World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit is a world leading event series focused on the most disruptive technologies transforming the global food system. Now in its 6th year, this flagship event hosted in San Francisco gathers 1500 + of the brightest minds in agriculture. Agribusinesses, food brands, producers, investors and entrepreneurs from over 50 countries meet to foster learning, explore collaboration and investment strategy needed to bring transformative solutions to the food system, and fast-track innovation to the field.

Hear from over 100 visionaries, founders and business leaders covering: the digitization and automation taking place within agriculture, the next generation of bio-based inputs, genetics and business models that are creating new supply chains, and the opportunity to build more profitable, biodiverse and healthy food systems for future generations.

2020 Summit Key Themes

  • Smart Agricultural Platforms: Creating Integrated Solutions and an Omnichannel Environment for Today’s Growers
  • Investment & Finance: Big Banks, Exit Strategies & IPOs in Food & Agriculture
  • Soil Health, Smart Nutrition, Regenerative Ag: Targeted Solutions to Balance Productivity with Ecosystem Health
  • Chemical Alternatives: Developing Greener, Cleaner and More Effective Crop Protection Products
  • Crops, Precision Breeding & Biology by Design: Creating A More Biodiverse and Nutrient-Dense Food System
  • Corporate Partnerships: Creative Collaborations Advancing Innovation and Profits
  • Supply Chain Insights: Technologies Driving Food Quality Up the Food Chain
  • Automation, Robotics & Deep-Tech: Building Viable Businesses to Solve Food Production Challenges
  • Synthetic Biology: Mapping the Impact of 21st Century Agriculture

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Stephan Groves
[javascript protected email address]

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