WEnergy Global Webinar: “Navigating organisations through the Covid-19 crisis; Opportunities to act sustainably”

In this webinar, Rev. Fr. Gilbert Sales, President of Saint Louis University, Baguio, Philippines, and Mr. Atem Ramsundersingh, CEO of WEnergy Global, Singapore, will share their views on leading organisations in times of the Covid-19 crisis. They will highlight their journey that started with the shocks of a global pandemic on their organisations, followed by the process of crisis management, assurance of safety, healing, and leading their communities, stakeholders, and partners in uncertain times. 

This webinar aims to share views with leaders from small and large organisations on how a crisis also provides an opportunity to guide future developments and growth towards sustainable development. As Covid-19 has taught the world to change directions for the good of life on Planet Earth. The webinar will be facilitated by Mr. Quintin Pastrana, President of WEnergy Power Pilipinas Inc, Manila, Philippines.

Inside the Dialogue

Due to Covid-19, leaders are faced with a unique set of challenges summed up in two key words: uncertainty and unknown. How are leaders navigating their organisations and communities through these turbulent times? What are their challenges and priorities? And how are they preparing themselves and their organisations and communities for the unknown future. This Leadership Dialogue will have a heart-to-heart conversation with two leaders sharing their personal views and experiences during lockdown.

They will highlight how their organisations are moving from doing good to becoming great, using the crisis to unlearning business-as-usual and shifting towards co-creation, responsible relationships, and partnerships for the acceleration of sustainable development.

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WEnergy Global Pte Ltd
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