WEBINAR - Science-based targets: What do they mean for businesses?

Join our webinar on “Science-based targets: What do they mean for businesses?” on Wednesday 8th November at 3 pm GMT. You can register for the event here.

With sustainability reporting evolving at such a fast pace, it can be quite difficult to keep track of all the important innovations, new concepts and frameworks designed by scientists and sustainability experts to encourage companies to improve their environmental footprint.

In this joint webinar “Science-based targets: What do they mean for businesses?” Sam Hadfield from SustainIt and David Wynn from Greenstone will discuss science-based targets, the ambitious goals that will help your company make a difference, and talk you through the essential steps needed to incorporate them into your sustainability strategy.

There’ll also be the fantastic opportunity to explore some practical examples from some pioneering companies in the field - definitely an event not to be missed.

Joining our webinar you’ll learn:

- What science-based targets are
- The context in which they were created and why
- How companies can track their progress against science-based targets
- Case studies of companies who have successfully set science-based targets
- Practical steps on how to incorporate science-based targets in your sustainability strategy

You can register for the webinar here. We’ll record the webinar and a link will be sent to all the registrants afterwards, so do sign up even if you can’t listen live. Please feel free to share this invitation with anyone who might be interested and via your social media too. If you have any further questions before the webinar don’t hesitate to drop an email to g.danielis@sustainitsolutions.com.

We are really looking forward to seeing you there!

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