Webinar - How to select the right CSR & EHS software

Join our webinar on “How to select the right CSR & EHS software” on Wednesday 6th September at 9.30 am BST.

In our bitesize Breakfast Briefing Callum Rees will walk you through all the essential steps you need to follow when selecting, implementing and successfully managing a software solution. There’s more information about the webinar available below.

You can register for the webinar here. We’ll record the webinar and a link will be sent to all the registrants afterwards, so do sign up even if you can’t listen live. Please feel free to share this invitation with anyone who might be interested and on your social media platforms if you wish. If you have any further questions before the webinar don’t hesitate to drop an email to g.danielis@sustainitsolutions.com.

We really hope to see you there!

Additional information
How to select the right CSR & EHS software – Wednesday 6th September at 9.30 am BST
Register here
In our bitesize Breakfast Briefing Callum Rees will explore the main challenges faced by sustainability managers and professionals who are trying to choose, implement and manage sustainability software, leading the audience to valuable and effective solutions.

Joining our webinar you’ll learn:

  1. What you need to think about before you start
  2. How to build your requirements specifications
  3. What you need to look for in a demo
  4. Top tips on achieving a successful implementation
  5. How to get the best from your new system

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