Venice 2012 - Fourth International Sympsosium on Energy from Biomass and Waste

The aim of the Venice 2012 Symposium is to focus on the advances made in the application of technologies for energy recovery from biomass and waste and to encourage discussion in these fields.

The Symposium is organized by the International Waste Working Group (IWWG), a registered not-for-profit organisation aiming to provide an intellectual platform to encourage and support integrated and sustainable waste management and to promote practical scientific development in the field, with the scientific support of the Universities of Queensland, Padua, Hokkaido, Rostock and Singapore.

The previous edition of the Symposium, held in 2010, was attended by nearly 650 scientists and operators from approximately 60 different countries.

The 2012 edition of the Symposium will last four days and will include oral sessions, a poster session, a small exhibition by companies working in the field and technical tours.

The official language of the Symposium will be English. All papers must be written and presented in English. Authors will be expected to attend the conference and present their papers themselves.

The Symposium will include the following topics:

A. Biomass and waste characterisation as a potential energy source

Municipal waste, Agricultural waste, Hazardous waste, Clinical waste, Exhausted oil, Shredded car light fractions (“car fluff”) etc., Analytical and monitoring parameters.

B. Renewable fuel (Biodiesel, Bioethanol, Gas liquification, Hydrogen)

Production processes, Quality, Technologies, Handling and Storage.

C. Anaerobic digestion

Appropriate technologies for different organic substrates, Processes, Operation, Residues, Gas cleaning and Quality upgrading, Handling and treatment of residues (digestate, wastewater), Analytical and monitoring parameters.

D. Refuse-derived fuel (RDF)

Characterisation and Quality, Production, Handling and Storage, Utilisation, Co-combustion, Residues from RDF combustion.

E. Thermal treatment (Combustion, Pyrolysis, Gasification and Others)

Processes, Energy balance, Technologies, Efficiency, Upgrading of existing plants, Corrosion and Operation problems, Gas cleaning.

F. Economic aspects

Capital and Operational costs, Revenues, Financing, Global substrates, Trading and Social effects.

G. Decision tools

LCA, Risk Assessment, Environmental impact assessment, Sustainability achievement.

H. Policies and Legal aspects

Regional, National and International approaches, EU Strategies and Directives, Legal responsibilities, Perspectives in developing countries.

I. Climate change and Sink

CO2 credits, Carbon balance, Reduction of GHG emissions, Energy saving etc.

J. Ecotoxicological aspects and Health issues

Occupational Health, Emissions and Human Exposure, Epidemiological Studies.

K. Public acceptance

Information campaigns, Public involvement in decision processes, Mediation and Consensus.

L. Experiences and new developments

Case studies, Pilot plants, R&D projects.

M. Developing countries

Adaptation of technologies, Specific developments, Political and Financial perspectives.

An extended abstract prepared using the abstract template available on the official Symposium website should reach the Organization no later than February 29th 2012. Offers of papers for workshops will also receive careful consideration.

The Symposium will take place in Venice on the premises of the Cini Foundation on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore. The Cini Foundation is one of the most prestigious conference venues in Italy and has hosted numerous important international meetings and G7 summits. On the island monumental buildings such as the church and the refectory are the work of the greatest architect of the Veneto Renaissance, Andrea Palladio, housing masterpieces by Tintoretto, Veronese and Carpaccio. A public boat service connects Saint Mark’s Square Marco with the island every ten minutes (the trip lasts 5 minutes). Timetable and further details available on the Symposium website.

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Cinzia Mamberti
[javascript protected email address]

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