UK Arctic Science Conference 2017

The Scottish Association for Marine Science will be hosting the UK Arctic Science Conference 2017, with financial and administrative support from the NERC Arctic Office. This three-day conference brings together UK Arctic scientists from all natural and social science disciplines to present and discuss recent findings.

The UK Arctic Science conferences have brought together researchers with a common interest in the Arctic environment. Since its inception in 2009 there has been a great diversity in the science that has been presented.

The conference is multidisciplinary and with an inclusive approach to abstract submission.

We welcome abstracts across all the themes of the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) Working Groups, namely:

Atmosphere | Including¬

Atmospheric Dynamics, Arctic- Mid-latitude Weather Linkages, Air Chemistry and Pollution

Cryosphere | Including¬

Sea-ice processes (physical and biogeochemical), modelling and prediction, permafrost, glacial environments

Marine | Including¬

Ocean dynamics and prediction, biological, ecosystem and geochemical processes, marine geology and paleo records of arctic change

Social and Human | Including¬

Security, governance and law, natural resources including fisheries, human health and well-being

Terrestrial | Including¬

Arctic terrestrial and freshwater environments, landscapes and biota

The organisers particularly welcome abstracts which highlight interdisciplinary connections and will look to create strong cross-cutting sessions within the conference programme.

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Dr Finlo Cottier
[javascript protected email address]

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