The Road to Paris 2015

What are the economic and commercial implications for Australian business in setting our national emissions reduction targets?

Join us in Sydney on 9 October for this timely event as we bring together leaders from business, government, technology and finance to update, debate and deliberate on the economic implications of setting Australia’s post-2020 emissions reduction targets.

Held following the UN Secretary General’s Climate Summit in New York in September 2014, delegates will get a first-hand update on international developments that may impact Australian business and will hear from speakers who participated in the summit.

In 2015, world leaders will gather in Paris to determine the rules for a new global agreement to limit global greenhouse emissions below two degrees above pre-industrial levels.

Significant momentum is building in Australia’s major trading partners to make ambitious contributions toward their post-2020 national targets. The nationally determined contribution to reduce emissions, agreed by Australia, will be central in determining the climate policy framework that will cover and impact companies covered under any emissions reduction initiative.

This is an important time to convene business, government and NGOs for a mature, constructive dialogue about what should be the nature of Australia’s commitment, why it is in our best interests to actively participate in the negotiations and to share views to understand the economic, environmental and social implications for business.

The half day event will include a plenary speaker session, panel discussions and facilitated Q&A and networking, canapés and drinks.

Speakers include:

  • Dr Justin Lee – Australia’s Climate Change Ambassador
  • Senator Nick Xenophon – Independent Senator SA
  • Nathan Fabian, CEO Investor Group for Climate Change
  • Frank Jotzo, Associate Professor, Crawford School; Director, Centre for Climate Economics & Policy; ANU Anthea Harris, CEO Climate Change Authority
  • Matt Murray, Counselor for Economic Affairs, US Embassy Canberra (invited)
  • Megan Flynn, Group Manager – Carbon Strategy, Qantas
  • Alex Grossman, CEO Australian Industry Greenhouse Network
  • Erwin Jackson, Deputy CEO Climate Institute
  • Elisa de Wit, Partner Norton Rose Fulbright Australia

Online registration is now open. To avoid disappointment, please register early as places are limited.

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