The road ahead: Redefining the life cycle of LCA studies

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) reports are often treated like user manuals – read once and filed away.

Downer Group and thinkstep will explore a new breed of LCA. Instead of printed technical jargon, a new generation of interactive tools are empowering internal teams to implement eco-design. This integrated approach drives both sustainability and innovation.

Join us for a 30 minute webinar on 22 June to find out how Downer use software tools to maximise their internal capacity.

Our Speakers:

Ricky Bridge will share the drivers to build up internal Life Cycle Assessment capacity at Downer Group and why product and project sustainability are important to the company. Ricky is General Manager - Environment Operations at Downer Group and has proven experience in a variety of infrastructure projects in both the public and private sector.

Jeff Vickers will demonstrate how to “implement the vision” using software tools, enabling your people to achieve more and helping your organisation to internalise sustainability. Jeff is Technical Director at thinkstep works with clients in Australasia focusing on product sustainability strategies.

Webinar topics

  • BuildingLCA capacity in-house
  • Environmental decision support
  • Eco-design and product development
  • Intuitive LCA tools
  • Cost effective eco-design tools

Date & time

Thursday, 22 June 2017

1:00 - 1:30 pm (Sydney / Melbourne)

3:00 - 3:30 pm (Auckland / Wellington

Registration is free, but places are limited

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