The Responsible Business Summit Europe 2020

Europe’s leading conference looking to discuss how business can transform and deliver the sustainable future

We need action. New ways of collaborating. New business models. New forms of investments. A climate emergency, global social inequalities, biodiversity loss and increased investor and consumer pressure for business to act is driving this change – your business has an opportunity to lead the way.

The 2020 Responsible Business Summit Europe is the only conference that will challenge all speakers to share how they’re changing strategies, investments and technologies now, to deliver against the 2030 and 2050 horizons. 750+ CEOs, ESG investors plus heads of sustainability, sourcing and communications will share how they’re looking to deliver a new blueprint for business fit for the 21st Century.

This will be the most impactful event in 2020 – giving you and your peers the practical ideas, strategies and collaborations to lead during the decade of action. Confirm your place today to ensure you don’t miss out!

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Matt Buckingham
[javascript protected email address]

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