The Convergence of Systems Integration & Performance in Buildings

Despite consuming over 40% of the world’s primary energy, the heating, cooling, and lighting systems that make buildings habitable often operate in silos. Even worse, the performance of these systems remains largely untracked. New sensors and controls can integrate these and other systems in a building, producing a stream of “big data” that enables building owners to measure energy in real-time, and demonstrate continuous performance. High capital costs have significantly hindered the adoption to date, but these energy efficiency technologies have still generated more than $5 billion in market value in the U.S. market alone. 

This webinar will:

  • Demonstrate the value proposition of building systems integration (BSI) for building operators and the case for data analytics
  • Define why current performance tracking methods are dated, how BSI solves this problem and enables accelerated growth in the broader green construction segment
  • Identify technologies and strategies which have strong potential for bringing real-time performance management to buildings and how companies should position to win

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