Sustainability Reporting Exchange

About The Event
Sustainability Reporting Exchange (SRE) is a not-for-profit initiative to help Singapore companies to learn everything about sustainability reporting. Launched by CSRWorks International, Singapore’s leading sustainability consulting firm, SRE is a roundtable-style platform for regular dialogue, sharing and peer learning with sustainability reporting experts and counterparts.

Through SRE, we present trends, exchange ideas, discuss challenges, share best practices and insights to prepare you for your sustainability reporting journey. SRE sessions are facilitated by our own sustainability reporting experts as well as by our invited guest speakers who are considered leaders in sustainability reporting.

Getting started with Sustainability Reporting
Main discussion points: How to develop your first sustainability report, the SGX Sustainability Reporting rules, common mistakes and pit falls to avoid, and Q&A.

The above-mentioned topic is facilitated by Rajesh Chhabara, Managing Director and Managing Consultant of CSRWorks International. Rajesh has written award winning sustainability reports for listed and non-listed companies. He has more than 18 years of deep and wide experience in sustainability strategy in several sectors.

Who should attend
SRE sessions are intended for listed as well as non-listed companies which want to learn how to produce their first sustainability report or how to improve their current sustainability report. SRE is a forum for companies to discuss common issues, challenges and solutions relating to sustainability reporting. SRE is not a platform for consultants.

Event Details
Cost: Free
Date: 10th Aug 2016
Time: 4:00 - 6:00pm
Venue: (The Academy of Fashion Professions)
Address: 2 Leng Kee Road, Thye Hong Centre, #02-10, Singapore 159086 (See attached map)

Limited seats
Limited seats on first-come-first-serve basis. Prior registration required.

About CSRWorks International
CSRWorks is Singapore’s leading sustainability consulting firm with more than 10 years of successful track record. Our international team of highly experienced consultants has produced more than 100 sustainability reports.
csrmatters, a unit of CSRWorks International, organises annual Asia Sustainability Reporting Awards, the highest regional recognition for sustainability reporting in Asia.
We know what it takes to produce the best sustainability reports!

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Douglas Harding
[javascript protected email address]

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