Sustainability management accounting masterclass

Sustainability management accounting masterclass

Sustainability data is becoming crucial to understand how a company is performing.

The management teams need data-driven insights for informed decision-making and to meet stakeholders expectations.

This masterclass will help you understand:

  1. Sustainability management accounting concept
  2. How businesses can integrate environmental and social factors in their overall business strategy and operations
  3. Identifying the impact of these factors on the financial performance


8:15am: Doors opening for registration

8:30am: Masterclass

9:30am - 10am: Q&A & Networking


Radhika Chavan is certified in SASB, PMP, CSM & Design Thinking-MIT. She has worked with Lehman Brothers, Barclays and IT services companies before starting her entrepreneurial journey in sustainability. Her work in this space includes measurement and understanding of the impact environmental and social factors will have on the financial performance for SMEs.

Anna Håkansson has a background in process development and operations, as former Quality Manager and COO. She has the latest university studies in Sustainable Business Development as well as the Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI, SASB, TCFD and ISSB work in progress).

With Tulya, Radhika & Anna help SMEs integrate sustainability into their business strategy and operations, focusing on the impact that environmental and social aspects will have on the organisation’s ability to create value.

Please note that the event venue is in CT Hub main building - not in CT Hub 2. Limited seats!

We might take photos during our evenings for our social media, please let us know if you do not wish to appear on the photos.

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