Sustainability Exchange Season 3 Final Showcase

Sustainability Exchange Season 3 Final Showcase

You are invited to join us for the final showcase of the Sustainability Exchange Season 3 on Wednesday, August 30th 3-5pm, where participating youths will showcase their proposals for novel sustainability innovations in Singapore. The initiative has also helped to forge meaningful relationships among promising individuals in the public, private and civic society sectors. The Final Showcase will highlight the new, fresh thinking on green growth and sustainable development models for Singapore’s future, conceptualised by youths passionate about climate action.

Throughout this third edition of the programme, the youth participants have immersed themselves in a series of capacity building workshops and deepening their knowledge around design thinking and sustainable innovation. Furthermore, the teams have collaborated with a diverse network of fellow participants, youth networks and experienced mentors to refine their ideas and transform them into actionable proposals.  

With a panel of judges by industry experts, each team will have an opportunity to present their proposal, showcase their research, methodologies and anticipated impact.  

Join us to learn more about the exciting proposals from the teams and unveil some of the top initiatives.  

Learn more about the Sustainability Exchange programme here.  

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