If the Abbott Government won’t take a stand on social and or environmental issues – will you or your organization?
With the change of the political landscape in Australia, there’s never been a more important time to know how to engage investors, consumers and or governments if you want to achieve your sustainability goals.
As a result of more than 10 years work by European Sustainability Leaders, A NEW SUSTAINABILITY STORY and HOW TO TELL IT, has emerged. MOSS CEO Anne-Maree Huxley was the Australian representative to the final part of this process (developing the Principles of How to Communicate Sustainability), so it is with great pleasure MOSS invites you to this important one day small group HOW TO COMMUNICATE SUSTAINABILITY WORKSHOP facilitated by Anne-Maree.
A number of studies and analysis were undertaken to qualify the final content to ensure business, government and community organisations could benefit - and unleash heir potential. So come learn from global industry experts, case studies and peer interaction. Discover what works and what doesn’t - deepen your sustainability knowledge and take home new tools including the new communicating sustainability principles developed by global sustainability and communications experts for use by the UNFCCC, Rio 20+, the OECD, EU Commission and World Economic Forum.
With more than 70% of the population confused by CSR and sustainability messages, and no appetite for sustainability by some government agencies in the region, there’s never been a better time to get a new set of tools and resources to make your job easier and help you navigate your way.
This is probably the most important workshop we have ever delivered as our poor communication has been identified as the greatest barrier to the uptake of sustainability policy, innovation, products and services. So don’t miss out, register today as numbers are strictly limited.
Note - inhouse workshops are also available upon request.
For full event details refer: http://www.moss.org.au/There-s-never-been-a-more-important-time-to-know-t
Sponsor/exhibitor contact
Anne-Maree Huxley
[javascript protected email address]
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