Stakeholder Management Masterclass (Dubai)

This course will allow students to understand the mechanics of effective stakeholder engagement and its relation to positive business tactics. Through a hands-on approach, this instructor-led course is suited to present and future CSR professionals involved in creating business partnerships and relationships.

Program Benefits:

  • Strategic Sustainability and CSR Concepts
  • Stakeholder list management, reorganization, and prioritization
  • Sustainability and implementation of CSR programs
  • Sustainability reporting and analysis of Stakeholder engagement levels
  • Sustainable communications throughout your organization
  • Lasting network with similar individuals in industry and resolve shared challenges

Topics Covered:

  • Perform successful initiatives involved in stakeholder engagement
  • Bring together partners’ goals and objectives with sustainability strategies
  • Improve Sustainability reporting and performance
  • Complete stakeholder framework including strategy, engagement, prioritization, and mapping
  • Expand policies to achieve effective stakeholder support
  • Recognize and administer safeguards against Stakeholder risks and opportunities
  • Gain advantages from growth opportunities
  • Identify and reduce Stakeholder risk
  • Sustainable stakeholder engagement evaluation and preparation
  • Best practices to maximize the influence of stakeholder programs
  • Charting an actionable strategy according to main stakeholder lists and the channels of engagement
  • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) stakeholder management outcome disclosures

Who Should Enroll:
Professionals in private companies, public sectors, NGOs, international organizations and governments who are or would like to be involved in CSR. Professionals, managers, and executives whose actions have a direct effect on stakeholder positions may also be ideal for taking this course. Many student functions include Governance and Risk Management, Human Resources, Marketing/Communications/PR, Supply Chain/Logistics, Health and Safety/Environment, among others.

Duration: 9am – 3pm (One Day Course)

Price: $635

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