Solar Thermal China 2013

Solar Thermal China

China National Convention Center, Beijing, China

July 3 – 5, 2013

In conjunction with the Clean Energy Expo China 2013, Solar Thermal China is the first pure business to business exhibition in China dedicated to the solar thermal market. Taking place over 3 days, Solar Thermal China creates a unique trading platform for Chinese and foreign industry professionals to showcase their latest solar thermal products, technologies, and services. As integral part of the umbrella event Clean Energy Expo China (CEEC), Solar Thermal China shares CEEC’s resource and takes advantage of its position as a leading trading and knowledge-sharing platform for the entire clean energy industry in China.

Solar Thermal China -

Do not hesitate for a moment and miss on this unique solar thermal event. For further details please get in touch with Ryan Lam (details below)

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Ryan Lam
[javascript protected email address]

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