Solar Asset Management North America 2016

The most complete conference focused on the operational phase of solar plants and portfolios

This is the 3rd edition of the leading conference dedicated to the operational phase of solar plants and portfolios. Covering technical and financial topics, which range from performance optimization to refinancing and secondary market. Learn from 50+ speakers and network with 400+ attendees from all over the world, representing the leading service providers, asset/portfolio managers, IPPs, utilities, investors, developers and advisors active in the North American solar market.

Reasons to attend:

  • 400+ attendees, representing the value chain from service provider to asset manager and investor
  • 50+ leading experts on stage sharing their vision, expertise and experience
  • 30+ sponsors and exhibitors profiling themselves and their leading products/service

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Hugo Uijlenbroek
[javascript protected email address]

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