SiliconPV 2018 - 8th International Conference on Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaics

The 8th edition of SiliconPV will be hosted by the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). It will be the key event for sharing and understanding cutting-edge developments and upcoming trends in Silicon Photovoltaics. It focuses on science and advanced technologies along the value chain of crystalline silicon cells and modules.

It covers short-, mid- and long-term issues including:

  • processing and characterization of Si materials, wafers, multi- and mono-crystalline silicon including defect passivation as well as locally contacted, dielectrically passivated solar cells and modules,
  • solar cells based on selective contacts and novel device architectures,
  • advanced materials, wafers, cells and module processing, novel interconnection and encapsulation technologies,
  • characterization techniques and modelling, next generation multi-junction crystalline silicon based tandem solar cells.

As in the last years, the nPV workshop will take place successively to the SiliconPV conference with one overlapping day and a joined conference dinner. This will give you a complete overview of all trends, innovations and developments of n-type technology.

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