Shaping Business Green - Driving Investment

“Shaping Business Green – Driving Investment”

To be an important contributor to the Green Economy, your organisation may need to re-position its targets and aspirations and your key people may need greater access to profitable ideas and top decision makers that will have a positive impact in moving forward successfully.


Malaysian companies and organisations are often facing global competition, shrinking budgets and increasing KPI’s, of late. These pressing demands have not changed the fact that the twin challenges of attracting investment & growing new businesses will determine your organisation’s long term growth and sustainability. Especially in the “green” business in Malaysia. These are compelling prerequisites for the government’s improved delivery and for the industry’s improved bottom line through Strategic Business Developments.

The next edition of the Malaysia Global Business Forum will address these challenges & opportunities with the theme, “Shaping Business Green – Driving Investment”. This one-day event will be held on 11th September, 2015 at the KLCC Convention Centre and will be co-located at IGEM, the region’s most important Green Economy Exhibition.


The program has been condensed and focused to allow delegates to get the most out of the time they spend at the Forum.

Industry Leaders Panel

The Industry Leaders Discussion Panel, which will be recorded for broadcast, will see the latest issues & challenges, technology, business and investment opportunities presented in a discussion format by industry experts from both Malaysia & overseas. Discussions will focused on green investment, green purchasing and current green global trends. The Forum will also provide considerable access to industry decision makers at networking sessions. These presentations will help keep you up-to-date with the latest developments in the industry allowing you to make better decisions for your own organisation.

Keynote Session

Equally important is access to government & policy makers as two state governments will present their “Green Development Agenda” alongside an international featured region, Australia. Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Maximus Johnity Ongkili, the Minister of Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water, is to present a keynote address where he is expected to address important policy issues for the future.

Business/Investment Matching & C-Suites Closed Door Meetings

Since we know that business people usually want to get down to business quickly, the afternoon session will be strictly for business and investment matching. Its main focus will be on matching investors with green technology innovators. It will also facilitate companies looking to expand their market share in Malaysia and the rest of Asia.

C-Suites Closed Door Meetings are a specialized component of the Malaysia Global Business Forum, it is designed to solve the problem of “Strategic Business Development” through what we call “Meeting the Right Person” this bespoke approach improves results, saves time and money by ensuring targeted meetings take place to discuss your most pressing issues.

Moving forward, we would like to explore collaboration with your organisation. You may like to sponsor, support or attend as a delegate or participate in our business matching programme. Stay tuned for updates on this program or to receive a prospectus fill in the form below:

Fees & Payments

To receive an invitation to attend this important program please contact us today.

Sponsors & Supporters

This program is hosted by KETTHA and co-Hosted by the Green Tech Corp Malaysia. Co-Located at IGEM which is the regions biggest green technology exhibition. Currently, the Forum also has support from the Australian Malaysia Business Council (MABC)

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Rita Hatta
[javascript protected email address]

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