#REMforum 2018 / 9th St.Gallen Forum for Management of Renewable Energies

“Disruptive Decentralisation? Energy Markets at a Crossroads”

Over the past two decades, the energy system has started to shift from central infrastructure towards decentralisation. While renewable energy comes in both centralised (e.g. large hydro or offshore wind) and decentralised forms (e.g. solar photovoltaics), recent technological trends have opened the possibility of even more disruptive decentralisation.

The convergence of small-scale energy conversion and storage with electric mobility and digital technology makes energy systems with high degrees of local autonomy a real possibility. This creates opportunities for new self-consumption business models and peer-to-peer trading of renewables, but also challenges the current institutional framework of energy markets.

At #REMforum 2018, the 9th St.Gallen Forum for Management of Renewable Energies, the thought leaders of tomorrow’s energy markets will share the latest insights and discuss new business opportunities.

This unique, annual event connects managers, investors and other key stakeholders in the global energy transition and features inspiring speakers, insightful debates, interactive workshops and extensive networking opportunities.

#REMforum is hosted by the Chair for Management of Renewable Energies at the University of St.Gallen, one of the leading European Business Schools.

Sponsor/exhibitor contact

Doris Hoevel
[javascript protected email address]

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