PSS 68: Making Do with Less – Improving Resource Efficiency

Part 1: Waste to Wealth
By Mr Rayson Ng Ruisheng
Senior Manager

Waste generation is an inevitable part of our daily lives. But improper waste management has led to serious problems such as pollution and wastage. This is due to the misconception that once generated, waste is of no value. But is this really true?

The presentation will challenge the notion of waste as an encumbrance to that of a ‘wealth’ asset. At present, waste volumes generated are alarmingly high. This has prompted an urgent need to manage and convert waste into a useful resource. This has in turn led to the realisation of waste-related business opportunities, and the growth of innovative businesses worldwide.

The speaker will portray the urgent need for waste management and highlight the successful business models of companies involved in this area. Businesses are driven by the profitability of resources extracted from waste. Through case studies, the presentation ultimately aims to showcase the importance of waste management as a new business opportunity.

Part 2: Focusing Sustainability Efforts for Better Resource Efficiency
By Dr Jonathan Low
Scientist and Initiative Lead for Life Cycle Engineering

Studies have shown that with more effective sustainability initiatives, companies stand to improve their resource efficiency and save up to 30% in energy, material and water consumption. However, one major issue in driving sustainability is the lack of focus. A survey by McKinsey and Company found that companies often have more ongoing sustainability initiatives than they can effectively manage. Two-thirds of 500 companies surveyed had between 10 to 30 sustainability initiatives at any one time. The presentation discusses how life cycle engineering tools such as Life Cycle Analysis can help identify opportunities and focus sustainability efforts for resource efficiency improvements. It will include a sneak peek at current R&D efforts by A*STAR Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech) in this area.

13 January 2017 (Friday)
(Closing Date: 6 January 2017)

3.30pm to 5.00pm
(Registration begins at 3.00pm)

MEWR Theatrette
Environment Building
40 Scotts Road, Level 4
Singapore 228231

This lecture is complimentary, but all interested participants are required to register to secure a place.

Registration link:

For enquiries, please contact us at 1800-2255 632 or

The lecture is pending accreditation by the Professional Engineers Board’s Continuing Professional Development Programme for Engineers in Singapore.

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