Preparing for Integrated Reporting - An Update on IIRC & Recent Developments

The objective of this webinar (45-minute presentation / 15-minute Q&A) is to take stock of the progress of the Integrated Reporting sustainability reporting space.



This is another event in the 2014 SGS webinar series aimed at helping organizations to succeed in developing winning sustainability strategies and to support them in every step during the implementation. Key to an integrated and effective organizational strategy is a clear sustainability story – this is central to business in 2014 and beyond and integrated reporting will enable your organization to think ahead in with a strategic approach.


Dr. Colin Morgan, Global Product Manager – Social Responsibility Performance Assessments

Register for Session 1 schedule
04:00 p.m. Singapore, Kuala Lumpur (Singapore Time)

09:00 a.m. London (GMT Summer Time)

10:00 a.m. Paris, Berlin, Madrid, Amsterdam (Europe Summer Time)


Register for Session 2 schedule
08:00 a.m. New York (Eastern Daylight Time)

01:00 p.m. London (GMT Summer Time)

02:00 p.m. Paris, Berlin, Madrid, Amsterdam (Europe Summer Time)

For more information, please contact:

Outi Armstrong
1 Place des Alpes
1211 Geneva
+41 22 739 9161

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